
Kris Liebau Kris Liebau

The Different Hats of Leadership

You wear a lot of hats as a leader: mentoring, coaching, training, consulting, etc. How often do you deliberately choose which hat or skills is right for the task at hand? Here you can learn the distinctions between each skill and reflect on how to choose the right leadership skills for the job.

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Kris Liebau Kris Liebau

My Layoff Story

Layoffs are unpleasant regardless of whether you are delivering or receiving the news. I share my story of being laid off in the economic downturn in 2008 and how that has made me a better and more empathetic leader.

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Kris Liebau Kris Liebau

Happy Spark Day!

On Spark Day we take pause celebrating and reflecting on a moment in your life when you had an idea that was more than just a light bulb - it was a spark! A spark that ignited within and happened when the conditions were just right sending you on an incredible upward life changing trajectory.

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Kris Liebau Kris Liebau

Paralysis by Analysis

Various sources says you make 35,000 decisions a day!

I'm not saying that's good, bad, high, or low…

what I do know is that NOT making timely decisions and taking action is like CHOOSING to carry around a 100 POUND BACKPACK.

I'm an advocate of making informed, well thought out decisions over knee-jerk, autopilot reactive ones I also know all to well the impact (and weight) paralysis by analysis has from conversations with my clients and first hand.

It is mentally taxing making the other 34,999 decisions more difficult, not to mention actual $$ it could be costing you and the impact it has on moral and momentum.

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Kris Liebau Kris Liebau

Effective Communication Requires Connection

Are you really getting through to your team?

Feel like a broken record?

Wondering how to get people to actually read the beautifully crafted, comprehensive email you sent that addresses ALL of their questions.

Asking yourself if you need to say it louder? slower?

Not sure you are speaking the right "language"?

Communication is a two-way street with connection being the essential component to ensure the sent message is received.

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Kris Liebau Kris Liebau

Vacation - Disconnecting from Work

You deserve a vacation free from work as do you employees, colleagues, and management. There’s a tug of war that can happen as you prepare in establishing what level of connectedness or disconnectedness is appropriate.

People tend to have a desire to stay connected out of negative motivators such as guilt, people pleasing, and fear of judgement. Having conversations with your team regardless of whether it is you or them that are stepping out around how best to support prevents a culture of over connectedness where people are not adequately getting the rest and relaxation needed at work to be productive when they are in the office.

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Kris Liebau Kris Liebau

Establishing and Maintaining Boundaries

Boundaries are a popular topic as of late. Strategically creating boundaries in alignment with your goals have a greater chance of getting you to where you want to go and being held as opposed to one that are lines drawn in the sand out of reactivity.

Here you can explore what boundaries are, how to chose them, and how best to maintain them.

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Kris Liebau Kris Liebau

Respond versus React

Without a bigger picture, it is difficult to assess the urgency and importance in tasks and issues that arise. Knee-jerk reactions occur when there is no plan or the desire to make something “go away” when we’ve lost sight of the larger picture.

As leaders you want to present as calm and collected. However, when you are experiencing decision fatigue, in an incredibly stressful situation, or overwhelmed, crafting on the spot cool like a cucumber response may be out of reach.

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Kris Liebau Kris Liebau

The Power of the Inner Critic

Your inner critic has ideas about you, others, and circumstances that limit your creativity, stifle connection, and sap your energy. Learn more about how understand your inner critic can increase your leadership impact.

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